Stop the Wind Turbines off the Maryland and Delaware Coast
Foreign owned windfarm developers are trying to build a massive new wind farm off the Ocean City and Delaware coastlines. They would be easily visible from shore from the towers in the daylight to the red lights at night.
Sussex County, DE councilmembers stopped them from bringing huge electrical cables ashore at 3Rs beach, and from building a huge new substation in Dagsboro.
Worcester County, MD agreed to buy up waterfront properties they need to build their docks for the big maintenance ships they need.
Now, we must convince Maryland legislators to tell their Public Works Commission to STOP THIS PROJECT NOW.
But has anyone asked…

At What Cost?
Who Pays?
Tourists will stay away
Businesses, hotels, restaurants, retailers, and our cities and county who will lose millions in tax revenues that help fund our infrastructure, schools, and public services.
Home property values will fall
Homeowners who will face rising property tax and service fees
Commercial Fishing will be devastated
Local fishermen, processors will lose millions as fishermen can’t access fishing grounds and our local fish houses are closed down to make room for the windmill maintenance ships
Ocean and Shoreline Habitat will be lost
Wildlife…and everyone who benefits from strong ecosystems and strong, vibrant nature all around us
Outdoor Sports will be diminished and limited
Swimmers, surfers, anglers…anybody who uses our ocean and beaches to enjoy the sports they love

Last summer off the coast of New England pieces of faulty blades that broke off from turbines washed ashore on beaches of Nantucket. The danger to kids and families enjoying the beach is very real.
And the environmental community has challenged the alleged climate benefits from wind power, citing scientific evidence that the turbines are harmful to whales and birds alike. Dead right whales have been found on the beaches of Martha’s Vineyard near the wind farms.
It is not too late to demand answers to these tough questions. Join the thousands of local citizens, business leaders, and elected officials from communities across Maryland and Delaware who have organized a coalition to fight back against offshore wind’s false promises.
They demand that government officials from Maryland and Delaware press offshore wind developers and its foreign investors for answers to the question, “At What Cost.” But time is running short.
In Maryland, the Public Service Commission is currently developing a report that will recommend the tax rate for wind energy – the report is expected any time from now until early next year, so time is of the essence.
Your Voice Can Make a Difference!
Some elected officials have bought into the Italian wind developer narrative hook, line, and sinker. But they need to get answers to everyone’s question: AT WHAT COST? Find out where your officials stand.
Help us convince Maryland legislators to tell their Public Service Commission to STOP THIS PROJECT NOW. We’ll keep you informed of news and developments as we fight on.